I was in the kitchen, baking banana cupcakes
and preparing food for a family meal. The thought, I have learned how to be happy in this world, floated above the
usual static in my brain and perhaps because the computer was close by -- I
posted it on Facebook. I was surprised at the reaction, several people wanted
to know why and how.
I feel that turning 60 has been a turning
point for me. Somehow the magic number 60 released me from some very old and
worn out thoughts. Thoughts like – am I smart enough, thin enough and good enough
don’t seem to have as tight a grasp on me anymore. I feel free(r) – free from the
male gaze, free from my mother’s expectations, and finally free from my own
judging mind. I realize this freedom has not come by easily. I’ve done a lot of
homework to get this point.
So, here are my top 3 mantras in pursuit of
personal freedom. The glorious result is being happy in this world no matter
what it brings forth.
Show up. Pay Attention. Tell the Truth. Don’t worry about the
Learning the art of loving what is. Not what you wish it to be.
Be a Loving Witness. Don’t try
to fix it for others. LISTEN, LOVE , & SUPPORT. It’s not your job to fix
it….really it isn’t. Release yourself from the burden of other people’s pain
and suffering. That’s their job. Be a loving witness is all you have to do.